FlexLM licensing software

FlexLM is a software developed and maintained by Macrovision that helps developer securing their work by providing tools.

With FlexLM you can obtain "floating" licenses, this means that you licenses can be used on any computer that has a connection with the license server.

I've created this page because I've been facing a problem with software that uses FlexLM licensig running on computers without a direct connection the the FlexLM license Server.

After some investigation on internet I've found this solution:

Since I didn't have control on the FlexLM Server I decided to do some dirty tricks, by forwarding the FlexLM connection to the server (this is done on a defined port - look in the license file), the problem arises when you have to forward the connection to the vendor daemon, since this port, if not defined in the license file is dynamically allocated.

The result of this is a FlexLM Proxy software that forwards connection to the License Server and parses the reply for the vendor daemon port and dynamically forward connection on this port to the server.