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3.5 Common Scheme Functions

This section describes a number of general purpose functions that make the kind of string processing that AutoGen does a little easier. Unlike the AutoGen specific functions (see section 3.4 AutoGen Scheme Functions), these functions are available for direct use during definition load time.

3.5.1 `bsd' - BSD Public License  
3.5.2 `c-string' - emit string for ANSI C  
3.5.3 `error-source-line' - display of file & line  
3.5.4 `extract' - extract text from another file  
3.5.5 `find-file' - locate a file in the search path  
3.5.6 `fprintf' - format to a file  
3.5.7 `gperf' - perform a perfect hash function  
3.5.8 `gpl' - GNU General Public License  
3.5.9 `in?' - test for string in list  
3.5.10 `join' - join string list with separator  
3.5.11 `kr-string' - emit string for K&R C  
3.5.12 `lgpl' - GNU Library General Public License  
3.5.13 `license' - an arbitrary license  
3.5.14 `make-gperf' - build a perfect hash function program  
3.5.15 `makefile-script' - create makefile script  
3.5.16 `max' - maximum value in list  
3.5.17 `min' - minimum value in list  
3.5.18 `prefix' - prefix lines with a string  
3.5.19 `printf' - format to stdout  
3.5.20 `raw-shell-str' - single quote shell string  
3.5.21 `shell' - invoke a shell script  
3.5.22 `shell-str' - double quote shell string  
3.5.23 `shellf' - format a string, run shell  
3.5.24 `sprintf' - format a string  
3.5.25 `string-capitalize' - capitalize a new string  
3.5.26 `string-capitalize!' - capitalize a string  
3.5.27 `string-contains-eqv?' - caseless substring  
3.5.28 `string-contains?' - substring match  
3.5.29 `string-downcase' - lower case a new string  
3.5.30 `string-downcase!' - make a string be lower case  
3.5.31 `string-end-eqv-match?' - caseless regex ending  
3.5.32 `string-end-match?' - regex match end  
3.5.33 `string-ends-eqv?' - caseless string ending  
3.5.34 `string-ends-with?' - string ending  
3.5.35 `string-equals?' - string matching  
3.5.36 `string-eqv-match?' - caseless regex match  
3.5.37 `string-eqv?' - caseless string match  
3.5.38 `string-has-eqv-match?' - caseless regex contains  
3.5.39 `string-has-match?' - contained regex match  
3.5.40 `string-match?' - regex match  
3.5.41 `string-start-eqv-match?' - caseless regex start  
3.5.42 `string-start-match?' - regex match start  
3.5.43 `string-starts-eqv?' - caseless string start  
3.5.44 `string-starts-with?' - string starting  
3.5.45 `string-substitute' - multiple global replacements  
3.5.46 `string->c-name!' - map non-name chars to underscore  
3.5.47 `string-tr' - convert characters with new result  
3.5.48 `string-tr!' - convert characters  
3.5.49 `string-upcase' - upper case a new string  
3.5.50 `string-upcase!' - make a string be upper case  
3.5.51 `sub-shell-str' - back quoted (sub-)shell string  
3.5.52 `sum' - sum of values in list  
3.5.53 `make-header-guard' - make self-inclusion guard  
3.5.54 `autogen-version' - autogen version number  

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