20.8 Silence
- Command: silence [state|sec]
- (none)
Toggles silence monitoring of windows. When silence is turned on and an
affected window is switched into the background, you will receive the
silence notification message in the status line after a specified period
of inactivity (silence). The default timeout can be changed with the
command or by specifying a number of seconds instead of
or off
. Silence is initially off for all windows.
- Command: defsilence state
- (none)
Same as the silence
command except that the default setting for
new windows is changed. Initial setting is `off'.
- Command: silencewait seconds
- (none)
Define the time that all windows monitored for silence should wait
before displaying a message. Default is 30 seconds.
This document was generated
by Davide on March, 6 2002
using texi2html