Multicast Socket Q & A
Right now this page is empty, ask your questions
here, and this page will be filled up with questions and answers as
complete as possible.
- Q: Where can I find win32 code for multicast
- A: Here you can find some source code
that implements multicast using winsocks, the code is not documented,
the difference between Un*x and windows are small. (WSAStartup, closesocket).
If you are looking for C++ multicast ready to use classes,
you can have a look at commercial
QT libraries (Non commercial version is for Un*x only, or have a look at
ACE - Adaptive Communication
- Q: How do I make the same process read and write from the same multicast group
- A: This should be failry easy, just create one socket that can be used for sending and receiving, and do all send and receive you wish. A sample code can be found here
last modification 27 March 2009