| Index Entry | Section |
Q | | |
| question mode | 9.3 Instead of Executing the Commands |
| quoting % , in patsubst | 8.2 Functions for String Substitution and Analysis |
| quoting % , in static pattern | 4.11.1 Syntax of Static Pattern Rules |
| quoting % , in vpath | 4.4.2 The vpath Directive |
| quoting newline, in commands | 5.2 Command Execution |
| quoting newline, in makefile | 2.2 A Simple Makefile |
R | | |
| Ratfor, rule to compile | 10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules |
| RCS, rule to extract from | 10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules |
| reading makefiles | 3.7 How make Reads a Makefile |
| README | 3.2 What Name to Give Your Makefile |
| realclean (standard target) | 9.2 Arguments to Specify the Goals |
| recompilation | 2. An Introduction to Makefiles |
| recompilation, avoiding | 9.4 Avoiding Recompilation of Some Files |
| recording events with empty targets | 4.7 Empty Target Files to Record Events |
| recursion | 5.6 Recursive Use of make |
| recursion, and -C | 5.6.3 Communicating Options to a Sub-make |
| recursion, and -f | 5.6.3 Communicating Options to a Sub-make |
| recursion, and -j | 5.6.3 Communicating Options to a Sub-make |
| recursion, and -o | 5.6.3 Communicating Options to a Sub-make |
| recursion, and -t | 5.6.1 How the MAKE Variable Works |
| recursion, and -W | 5.6.3 Communicating Options to a Sub-make |
| recursion, and -w | 5.6.4 The `--print-directory' Option |
| recursion, and command line variable definitions | 5.6.3 Communicating Options to a Sub-make |
| recursion, and environment | 5.6.2 Communicating Variables to a Sub-make |
| recursion, and MAKE variable | 5.6.1 How the MAKE Variable Works |
| recursion, and MAKEFILES variable | 3.4 The Variable MAKEFILES |
| recursion, and options | 5.6.3 Communicating Options to a Sub-make |
| recursion, and printing directories | 5.6.4 The `--print-directory' Option |
| recursion, and variables | 5.6.2 Communicating Variables to a Sub-make |
| recursion, level of | 5.6.2 Communicating Variables to a Sub-make |
| recursive variable expansion | 6. How to Use Variables |
| recursive variable expansion | 6.2 The Two Flavors of Variables |
| recursively expanded variables | 6.2 The Two Flavors of Variables |
| reference to variables | 6.1 Basics of Variable References |
| reference to variables | 6.3 Advanced Features for Reference to Variables |
| relinking | 2.3 How make Processes a Makefile |
| remaking makefiles | 3.5 How Makefiles Are Remade |
| removal of target files | 5.4 Errors in Commands |
| removal of target files | 5.5 Interrupting or Killing make |
| removing duplicate words | 8.2 Functions for String Substitution and Analysis |
| removing targets on failure | 4.8 Special Built-in Target Names |
| removing, to clean up | 2.7 Rules for Cleaning the Directory |
| reporting bugs | 1.2 Problems and Bugs |
| rm | 10.3 Variables Used by Implicit Rules |
| rm (shell command) | 2.2 A Simple Makefile |
| rm (shell command) | 4.3.1 Wildcard Examples |
| rm (shell command) | 4.5 Phony Targets |
| rm (shell command) | 5.4 Errors in Commands |
| rule commands | 5. Writing the Commands in Rules |
| rule prerequisites | 4.2 Rule Syntax |
| rule syntax | 4.2 Rule Syntax |
| rule targets | 4.2 Rule Syntax |
| rule, and $ | 4.2 Rule Syntax |
| rule, double-colon (:: ) | 4.12 Double-Colon Rules |
| rule, explicit, definition of | 3.1 What Makefiles Contain |
| rule, how to write | 4. Writing Rules |
| rule, implicit | 10. Using Implicit Rules |
| rule, implicit, and directory search | 4.4.5 Directory Search and Implicit Rules |
| rule, implicit, and VPATH | 4.4.5 Directory Search and Implicit Rules |
| rule, implicit, chains of | 10.4 Chains of Implicit Rules |
| rule, implicit, definition of | 3.1 What Makefiles Contain |
| rule, implicit, how to use | 10.1 Using Implicit Rules |
| rule, implicit, introduction to | 2.5 Letting make Deduce the Commands |
| rule, implicit, predefined | 10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules |
| rule, introduction to | 2.1 What a Rule Looks Like |
| rule, multiple for one target | 4.10 Multiple Rules for One Target |
| rule, no commands or prerequisites | 4.6 Rules without Commands or Prerequisites |
| rule, pattern | 10.5.1 Introduction to Pattern Rules |
| rule, static pattern | 4.11 Static Pattern Rules |
| rule, static pattern versus implicit | 4.11.2 Static Pattern Rules versus Implicit Rules |
| rule, with multiple targets | 4.9 Multiple Targets in a Rule |
S | | |
| s. (SCCS file prefix) | 10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules |
| SCCS, rule to extract from | 10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules |
| search algorithm, implicit rule | 10.8 Implicit Rule Search Algorithm |
| search path for prerequisites (VPATH ) | 4.4 Searching Directories for Prerequisites |
| search path for prerequisites (VPATH ), and implicit rules | 4.4.5 Directory Search and Implicit Rules |
| search path for prerequisites (VPATH ), and link libraries | 4.4.6 Directory Search for Link Libraries |
| searching for strings | 8.2 Functions for String Substitution and Analysis |
| secondary files | 10.4 Chains of Implicit Rules |
| secondary targets | 4.8 Special Built-in Target Names |
| sed (shell command) | 4.13 Generating Prerequisites Automatically |
| selecting a word | 8.3 Functions for File Names |
| selecting word lists | 8.3 Functions for File Names |
| sequences of commands | 5.7 Defining Canned Command Sequences |
| setting options from environment | 5.6.3 Communicating Options to a Sub-make |
| setting options in makefiles | 5.6.3 Communicating Options to a Sub-make |
| setting variables | 6.5 Setting Variables |
| several rules for one target | 4.10 Multiple Rules for One Target |
| several targets in a rule | 4.9 Multiple Targets in a Rule |
| shar (standard target) | 9.2 Arguments to Specify the Goals |
| shell command | 2.2 A Simple Makefile |
| shell command, and directory search | 4.4.4 Writing Shell Commands with Directory Search |
| shell command, execution | 5.2 Command Execution |
| shell command, function for | 8.8 The shell Function |
| shell file name pattern (in include ) | 3.3 Including Other Makefiles |
| shell wildcards (in include ) | 3.3 Including Other Makefiles |
| SHELL , MS-DOS specifics | 5.2 Command Execution |
| signal | 5.5 Interrupting or Killing make |
| silent operation | 5.1 Command Echoing |
| simple makefile | 2.2 A Simple Makefile |
| simple variable expansion | 6. How to Use Variables |
| simplifying with variables | 2.4 Variables Make Makefiles Simpler |
| simply expanded variables | 6.2 The Two Flavors of Variables |
| sorting words | 8.2 Functions for String Substitution and Analysis |
| spaces, in variable values | 6.2 The Two Flavors of Variables |
| spaces, stripping | 8.2 Functions for String Substitution and Analysis |
| special targets | 4.8 Special Built-in Target Names |
| specifying makefile name | 3.2 What Name to Give Your Makefile |
| standard input | 5.3 Parallel Execution |
| standards conformance | 1. Overview of make |
| standards for makefiles | 14. Makefile Conventions |
| static pattern rule | 4.11 Static Pattern Rules |
| static pattern rule, syntax of | 4.11.1 Syntax of Static Pattern Rules |
| static pattern rule, versus implicit | 4.11.2 Static Pattern Rules versus Implicit Rules |
| stem | 4.11.1 Syntax of Static Pattern Rules |
| stem | 10.5.4 How Patterns Match |
| stem, variable for | 10.5.3 Automatic Variables |
| stopping make | 8.9 Functions That Control Make |
| strings, searching for | 8.2 Functions for String Substitution and Analysis |
| stripping whitespace | 8.2 Functions for String Substitution and Analysis |
| sub-make | 5.6.2 Communicating Variables to a Sub-make |
| subdirectories, recursion for | 5.6 Recursive Use of make |
| substitution variable reference | 6.3.1 Substitution References |
| suffix rule | 10.7 Old-Fashioned Suffix Rules |
| suffix rule, for archive | 11.4 Suffix Rules for Archive Files |
| suffix, adding | 8.3 Functions for File Names |
| suffix, function to find | 8.3 Functions for File Names |
| suffix, substituting in variables | 6.3.1 Substitution References |
| switches | 9.7 Summary of Options |
| symbol directories, updating archive | 11.2.1 Updating Archive Symbol Directories |
| syntax of rules | 4.2 Rule Syntax |